Monday 23 November 2009

The Easy Virtue actress enjoyed a slap-up lunch with friends at M’s Cafe in Hollywood after dropping her car off with the valet — and leaving him a HUGE tip.

Also? Biel has the words “Big f*****’ wallet” embroidered on her purse, according to a report in Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper.

Jessica, 27, recently revealed that she hates having to spend hours fretting over her appearance.

“When you think ‘I don’t want to do my hair and make-up, I want to just go to work’ it is such a chore. So working on a movie like that was bliss because no one cared what you looked like,” she said.

“For a girl, you have to go through so much hair and make-up and so many costume fittings. I usually sit in the make-up chair for two hours in the morning, and it was so nice not to do that.”

She has also admitted she was a troublesome teen.

“When I was 16, I was pushing it on every angle with my parents, with the world,” Jessica revealed. “I thought I had it going on. I thought I knew everything. I had a little bit more of a bad attitude as a 16-year-old.”


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