Tuesday 26 January 2010

Tiger Woods


Tiger Woods' wife Elin has called off her divorce from the golf superstar, sources tell RadarOnline.com exclusively.
Elin spent last week visiting Tiger, and participating in his sex addiction rehab treatment, RadarOnline.com reported exclusively.

And while Elin had made up her mind to dump her husband after he was linked to more than 14 women and his secret life of cheating revealed, time - and Tiger's actions - have caused her to call off the divorce for now.
She returned to Orlando Sunday night by private jet after spending last week with Tiger. "She was happy when she came home," a source told RadarOnline.com exclusively. "Things went well."

Elin has not filed divorce paper but has explored her options. Tiger sought treatment to save his marriage and so far it's working, the source said.
"He's told her he's serious about making it work and doing whatever he can," the source said.
She's agreed to try to make things work.


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