Wednesday 16 December 2009

Tiger Woods

The doctor, Anthony Galea, was stopped in Toronto on Oct. 15 carrying human growth hormone and Actovegin, an unapproved drug in the United States. His attorney, Brian H. Greenspan, said Galea is expected to learn of charges related to conspiracy, controlled substances and customs violations from the Royal Canadian Police in a Toronto courtroom Friday.

Greenspan said Galea was carrying "a very, very small amount of HGH" for personal use. HGH is illegal without a prescription in the United States and Canada, and it is banned by the World Anti-Doping Agency and nearly all professional sports leagues.

t is not uncommon for the FBI in Buffalo to be notified of apparent attempts to enter the United States with illegal drugs, and opening an investigation would be standard procedure, two officials said. A government source said the office "wouldn't be concerned necessarily with who the users are but that doesn't mean [it] wouldn't interview them."

Greenspan described Woods as a patient whom Galea "assisted in his rehabilitation program" after knee surgery last year.

Greenspan said Galea never prescribed banned or illegal drugs to any professional athletes and that Woods had no connection to the case. . . .

In Los Angeles, Illinois insurance executive Michael David Barrett pleaded guilty to secretly shooting nude videos of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews, who called her stalker a sexual predator and said she hopes he "never sees the light of day." Barrett pleaded guilty to interstate stalking after Andrews urged the judge to give him a harsh sentence and not allow him out on bail.


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